Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Shaken Baby Syndrome: Phil Locke gets to the heart of what's wrong with the so-called "shaken baby syndrome" - and the perverse role being played by some members of the medical establishment, as he asks whether there is progress for true science. (Must Read. HL);

POST:  "Shaken baby syndrome.......Progress for true science?,  by Phil Locke published by the Wrongful Convictions Blog on January 28, 2014;

GIST: "In my view, the medical establishment has been not just tone deaf and brain dead about accepting new findings in the area; they have put up the deflector shields and aggressively resist it.  The people who hold sway in pediatric medicine seem to have a religiously fanatic attachment to this 40 year old theory.  And the prosecutors are more than happy to go along with the medical establishment, because strict adherence to the triad theory makes for easy convictions – even though they may be wrongful.  There are lots and lots of doctors ready to testify that if triad symptoms are present, it can only be abuse.  Coupled with this is the fact that the prosecution can always afford to put more experts on the stand than the defense; thereby swaying clueless juries, because the side with more experts “must be right,” regardless of the veracity of their testimony..........As William Shakespeare penned in The Merchant of Venice, “….. at length, truth will out.”  In the meantime, I shudder to think of all the innocent people that will suffer tragic injustice until we get there."

 The entire story can be found at:


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